Do Tyres Wear More On Electric Cars?

You will probably be aware that there are an awful lot more electric cars on our roads than there were a year or two ago. Many motor vehicle owners have made the decision to switch from driving either a petrol or diesel fuelled car to an electric vehicle.

Although there tends to be a larger initial financial outlay when it comes to the purchase price of an electric car it is to be hoped that the running costs are lower than a petrol or diesel fuelled vehicle.

However, is the cost of replacing the tyres greater on an electric car than a petrol or diesel car. Well, research would indicate that an electric car does, on average, a similar amount of miles on the rear tyres when compared with a petrol or diesel fuelled car. When it comes to the rear tyres on an electric car that is a different situation. It is estimated that front tyres on electric cars do an average of around 20,000 miles whereas on diesel cars front tyres do an average of around 5,000 to 10,000 miles more before they need replacing.

Apparently, an electric car has more torque than a diesel car so this means that, on average, you will do fewer miles in your electric car than say a diesel car before your front tyres need changing.

Another interesting statistic is that a high quality tyre tends to do around 5,000 miles more compared to a cheaper replacement tyre throughout its lifetime.

The cost of replacing tyres on a car is often a significant expense so a number of people would prefer to buy good quality tyres which usually cost more up front than budget replacement tyres but over the lifetime of the tyre they may feel that they save money. Presumably, owners of electric cars will take a number of things into consideration when choosing the tyres for his or her electric car.

So, before committing to replace your tyres on your electric car do take your time before deciding which ones to go for. Why not do some of your own number crunching. It shouldn’t take you too long to make the comparison and decide which one is potentially the most cost effective.

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