You will no doubt be aware that car insurance premiums are extremely high at the present time so any tips on how you may be able to save some money on insuring your motor vehicle has got to be welcomed. One possible way of getting a better deal on your car insurance is to do with the time you purchase your policy when it is coming up for renewal.
A price comparison website called has discovered that if you were to renew your car insurance around 15 to 24 days before your existing cover is due to expire then you may be able to save an average of 33% to 45% in what you are paying. A great way to compare motor insurance premiums is by using the likes of a price comparison website as they provide access to many different insurance companies.
Your existing insurer will issue your renewal notice about a month before your car insurance cover is due to expire giving you ample time to shop around in a timely manner to see if you can save yourself some money.
Unfortunately, a high percentage of motorists tend to wait until the last minute before shopping around to see if they can save on their premiums but they will not normally be able to get as big a saving when compared to checking other provider’s premiums around 15 to 24 days before their existing car insurance policy is coming to an end.
Other ways that you may be able to save on your car insurance premiums include paying annually for your cover. A larger number of insurers charge you interest if you pay monthly but if you pay up front with a single premium they do not. You could also look at the excess that you have agreed to pay in the event of making a claim. The lower the excess then the higher the premium. Obviously, if you are considering paying a higher excess in the event of making a claim then you will want to make sure that you have the funds available perhaps in a savings account to meet the cost of the larger excess.
So, if you are looking for a competitive quote prior to your car insurance policy renewing, why not get in touch with us at your earliest convenience. We provide access to an extensive panel of insurers and quotes are provided without any obligation.