When you take out a car insurance policy there are usually a number of optional extras to choose from. So, what are some of them and are they worth adding to your policy?
Voluntary Excess
The insurance company may have a compulsory excess in place that you will have to pay should you claim on your policy perhaps due to a road traffic accident. However, you may also have the option to include a voluntary excess the benefit of which is that it would reduce the premium you have to pay should you include such an excess. The downside of including such an excess is that it is an additional sum you would have to pay towards the cost of the repair to your vehicle. You may have the option to choose from a number of voluntary excess amounts.
Breakdown Cover
Many car insurance policies have the option to include breakdown cover that could cover you for the likes of home start, breaking down away from the home and relaying you say back home or to a garage should the breakdown company be unable to get your car going on the roadside. You may wish to compare the cost of this with arranging such cover direct with a breakdown company such as the AA, RAC or Green Flag.
No-claims Discount
Including such cover enables you to make a certain number of claims each year without your car insurance premium being affected.
Car Keys
Nowadays, keys for newer cars are quite expensive to replace should you loose a set or have them stolen or damaged. This option provides cover towards the cost of replacing your car keys.
Legal Protection
On occasions, motorists involved in the likes of a road traffic accident may need to involve the support of a solicitor. This type of cover provides cover towards the legal costs.
Wrong Fuel
A larger number of motorists put the wrong type of fuel in their tank when filling up. It is usually a diesel car owner who puts petrol in their car rather than a petrol car owner putting diesel in their tank as the nozzle for diesel is usually too large to fit in a petrol tank. The cost of having the wrong fuel drained from your car and any other repairs carried out could be quite significant. Wrong fuel cover is sometimes available as an optional; extra that may pay out to cover either just the cost of removing the incorrect fuel or also to include the cost of any repairs to your car caused by mis-fuelling.
The above are just some of the add-ons that may be available to include in your car insurance policy. Ultimately, it must be your decision as to whether you either do or do not want to include any optional extras.