We thought that some of you might find it of interest to hear of a number of statistics relating to car insurance collated by Statista. Below we mention a selection of them for you to peruse and perhaps ponder over.
For instance, back in 2018, the approximate number of households that had car insurance amounted to 20 million. In 2013 there were 20.1 million households with car insurance and in 2015 there were 20.2 million households with car insurance. That means in the region of 75% of UK households had car insurance. Some of you may find it surprising that around 25% of households do not have car insurance but this may partly be due to the age of the people living in some of those homes.
In the third quarter of 2021, the average cost of fully comprehensive car insurance was around £413 per annum. The average cost of third party fire and theft car insurance was in the region of £688 per annum. Although the former level of cover is more comprehensive than the later it tends to be younger drivers who take out the later level of cover and they are more at risk of being involved in a road traffic accident.
With regard to motor insurance claims insured in the UK, the record amount was back in 2010 with a sum of £10, 403,000,000. In 2018 the figure was £7,011,000,000. We are sure that you will agree these are sizeable sums of money.
In 2021 it was Admiral that had the largest market share with 15.7% – a large percentage.
We trust that you found the above statistics of interest. If you are looking for car insurance, whether you are a new motorist or have been driving for many years, why not get in touch with us at your earliest convenience with a view to getting a no-obligation, competitive quotation. We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.