If you have car insurance then an option that is often available is something called Motor Legal Protection. On occasions, it may be included within the price of your cover but can usually be included at additional cost.
It pays out to cover your legal expenses up to a set limit should you, for instance, take another motorist to court in relation to a road traffic accident that was not the fault of yourself or it could be used to cover your legal expenses up to a set limit should you be taken to court by another motorist. Potentially, legal costs could be quite significant so this type of cover provides you with peace of mind up to a set amount.
This type of insurance could also cover you for the legal expenses incurred as a result of making a claim lost earnings should you be unable to work due to a road traffic accident. It could also provide cover for the legal expenses incurred relating to the personal injury to others or yourself. It may also provide cover for the legal expenses relating to damage to your vehicle if you only have say third party or third party fire and theft cover. It could also cover you for the legal expenses incurred relating to your excess on your motor insurance policy.
The legal expenses could potentially run into thousands if not tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of pounds but the cost of including such cover in your motor insurance policy is usually relatively small. Like all types of insurance, if you never claim, you possibly wish that you had not taken out the cover and you could have saved yourself some money but it does provide you with some peace of mind.
Obviously, it is yourself who must decide whether to include motor legal protection unless it is automatically included as it is by some insurance companies.